About this Package
The ultimate package for the untimate POLE DESTROYER! This package will give you everthing you need to be set up for success.
You will have full access to both packages. That's all the live strength and conditioning sessions, access to the back catalogue of previous sessions, access to the 31 day challenge videos, access to all online tutorials and live pole tricks classes every month. This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time.
BUT THERES MORE! As an Ultimate Pole Destroyer you will have access to bonus guest instructor workshops! This package will make you not just part of an online platform but part of a comminity! Head to the "coming up this month" section below and check out whats coming up.
Ultimate Pole Destroyer Curriculum
- Adv Heels Pathways with Rachele Ribera (22nd Feb) (88:39)
- Inter Edgework with Rachele Ribera (8th Feb) (91:35)
- Inter Spinning Shapes and Sequences with Britt Bloem (8th Dec) (96:16)
- Advanced Quickies with Britt Bloem (7th Dec) (92:49)
- Inter Tricks and Transitions with Sam Star (10th Nov) (96:30)
- Advanced Tricks and Transitions with Sam Star (9th Nov) (90:31)
- Tricks and Flips (Adv) with Charlotte Robertson (20th Oct) (88:17)
- Acro Pole Fusion (Inter) with Charlotte Robertson (13th Oct) (91:18)
- Advanced Tricks and Combos with Pole Nick (6th Oct) (92:39)
- Intermediate Pole Tricks with Pole Nick (15th Sept) (102:43)
- Int/ Adv Transfixing Heels Flow with Robin De Meyere (25th Aug) (85:26)
- Inter Spin Flow with Robin De Meyere (11th Aug) (81:06)
- Int+/ Adv Spin Pole Combos with Meg The Super Nova (28th July) (90:49)
- Intermediate Flexi Shapes on Spin with Meg The Supernova (21st July) (88:44)
- Int/ Adv Signature Tricks with Candace Cane (18th June) (90:05)
- Intermediate Splits N Shit with Candace Cane (4th June) (84:46)
- Int/ Adv Static Rotations with Devon Mitchell (25th May) (87:50)
- Intermediate Static Dynamic with Devon Mitchell (18th May) (89:22)
- Int/ Adv Handstand Tricks with Aerial Allie (28th April) (106:43)
- Intermediate Spin Passes with Aerial Allie (28th April) (91:59)
- Shape your Spinning Intermediate with Lisette Krol - (30th March) (87:46)
- Power Pole Advanced with Lisette Krol (30th Mar) (88:59)
- Inter/ Advanced Low Pole Tricks with Gin Hogenes (18th Feb) (99:54)
- Inter+ Tricks with Gin Hogenes (10th Feb) (91:55)
- Int/ Adv Flow Tech with Tia Jax (10th Dec) (94:14)
- Intermediate Slow Flow with Tia Jax (4th Dec) (97:41)
- Flow Choreo with Molly Pretzel (Inter Level) (18th Nov) (90:28)
- Low Pole Tricks with Molly Pretzel (Int/ Adv Level) (12th Nov) (89:35)
- Heels Flow Choreo with Wes Marx (Inter Level) (28th Oct) (87:57)
- Heels Tricks and Technique with Wes Marx (Int/Adv Level) (21 Oct) (88:28)
- Dynamic Choreo (Int/ Adv Level) with Ms Lizard (10th Sept) (90:09)
- Hypnotic Legs (Int+ Level) with Ms Lizard (2nd Sept) (90:38)
- Int/ Adv Heels Tricks with Paige (13th Aug) (90:33)
- Inter+ Heels Flow witjh Paige (6th Aug) (79:20)
- Int+ Russian Heels Flow with Poler Abi (30th July) (90:48)
- Int/ Adv Hard Style Heels with Poler Abi (9th July) (91:33)
- Mixed Level Heels Choreo with Anete Blaua (11th June) (97:05)
- Int/ Adv Power Pole with Anete Blaua (10th June) (92:38)
- Advanced Heels Choreo with Bianca B (21st May) (90:43)
- Advanced Spin Pole Combos with Maria Gomez (20th May) (88:27)
- Intermediate Floorwork with Bianca B (101:19)
- Intermediate Tricks & Combos with Maria Gomez (7th May) (76:53)
- Intermediate Heels Choreo with Mel Lee (30th April) (87:54)
- Pole Illusions Int/ Adv with Mel Lee (16th April) (85:15)
- Advanced Tricks and Shapes with Bexiita (29th April) (88:29)
- Intermediate Shapes with Bexiita (8th April) (90:20)
- Intermediate Pole Shapes and Tricks with Pole Mimi (25th March) (85:59)
- Advanced Bendy Tricks with Pole Mimi (12th March) (98:57)
- Advanced Strength Tricks with Heidi Hildersley (11th March) (86:05)
- Intermediate Tricks and Combos with Heidi Hildersley (4th March) (84:22)
- Intermediate Shapes with Polestructions aka Jenny (25th Feb) (96:54)
- Advanced Kips and Tricks with Anna Frost (5th Feb) (90:26)
- Laura Lou Heels Pole Tricks Advanced (18th Dec) (90:46)
- Laura Lou Inter Heels Pole Flow (4th Dec) (96:03)
- Daphne Lux XO Cardio Advanced (27th Nov) (93:43)
- Daphne Lux Luxotic Intermediate Choreo (26th Nov) (86:05)
- Advanced Pole Tumbles with Anne Eyer (20th Nov) (95:43)
- Intermediate Pole Tricks with Anne Eyer (10th Dec) (96:50)
- Int/ Adv Tricks/ Static Rotations with Magnus Labbe (23rd Oct) (93:34)
- Magnus Labbe Mixed Level Low Flows (9th Oct) (104:42)
- Slink with Carmine Black (15th Oct) (96:46)
- Heel Lab Mixed Level with Carmine Black (1st Oct) (93:38)
- Int/ Adv Dynamic Combos with Mischka (25th Sept) (88:37)
- Beg/ Int Spin Pole Sequences with Mischka (17th Sept) (92:10)
- Stripper Tricks Mixed Ability with Doris (3rd Sept) (85:53)
- Stripper Choreo with Doris Arnold (3rd Sept) (86:33)
- Beg/ Int Spin Pole Shapes with Carly Child (20th Aug) (91:23)
- Int/ Adv Combo's with Aerial Allie (13th Aug) (98:32)
- Beg/ Int Tricks and Shapes with Aerial Allie (94:01)
- Int/ Adv Flexi Tricks on Spin with Carly Child (7th Aug) (90:02)
- Int Static Pole with Gaby Borrayo (31st July) (95:36)
- Int/ Adv Spin Pole Combos with Gaby Borrayo (23rd July) (95:18)
- Int/ Adv Heels Choreo with Sasha Meow (10th July) (90:45)
- Beg/ Int Heels Choreo with Sasha Meow (10th July) (88:18)
- Int/ Adv Heels Choreo with Mimi Midnight (25th June) (88:30)
- Beg/ Int Heels Choreo with Mimi Midnight (25th June) (86:52)
- Beg/ Int Tricks with Jenny Polestructions (19th June) (95:22)
- Int/ Adv Tricks with Jenny Polestructions (5th June) (93:28)
Pick a course...
Q- How many classes do we get as part of this package?
A- Each package varies on how many LIVE classes it offers. The best thing to do in order to see how many live classes are on offer is to look at the curriculum and click on “Coming up this month” and it will show you what we have on for the next month of classes for that particular package.
Q- Do you offer paypal?
A- Yes I do. However, because teachable doesnt support the paypal subscriptions function on here I have to do it off platform and you then recieve a code to register for your course. But if you have a card it is MUCH easier to do it via card. If you are interested in paypal please email me on [email protected]
Q- Once my subscription ends will I keep access to the classes I took part in?
A- Unfortunately no. Once your subscriptuon ends you will lose access to all content until you re-subscribe.
Q- How often will I be charged?
A- This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time.
Q- If I start mid month will I be paying for a full month but only recieve half the month of classes?
A- No, the beauty of this website is you can start at any point and you pay for a month from the date you sign up. So if you sign up on the 15th your month will be 15th-15th.
Q- What is the cancellation policy?
A- There is no commitment period so this is a rolling monthly subscription you can cancel at any time.
Q- If I cancel will I still see all of the content I had access to that month?
A- Unfortunately you will only have access to content while subscribed to a course.
Q- Are all the live classes recorded?
A- All classes are recorded so this platform is perfect for people who aren’t in the UK time zone.
Q- Will there be classes to suit other time zones?
A- If you take a look at the “Coming up this month” tab it will list all the times and I try my best to try and change up the class times so that people from all time zones can come and join in live from time to time. And for those who can’t make it the classes are uploaded within 2 hours after the class.