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The Ultimate Pole Destroyer
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Guest Workshops
Adv Heels Pathways with Rachele Ribera (22nd Feb) (88:39)
Inter Edgework with Rachele Ribera (8th Feb) (91:35)
Inter Spinning Shapes and Sequences with Britt Bloem (8th Dec) (96:16)
Advanced Quickies with Britt Bloem (7th Dec) (92:49)
Inter Tricks and Transitions with Sam Star (10th Nov) (96:30)
Advanced Tricks and Transitions with Sam Star (9th Nov) (90:31)
Tricks and Flips (Adv) with Charlotte Robertson (20th Oct) (88:17)
Acro Pole Fusion (Inter) with Charlotte Robertson (13th Oct) (91:18)
Advanced Tricks and Combos with Pole Nick (6th Oct) (92:39)
Intermediate Pole Tricks with Pole Nick (15th Sept) (102:43)
Int/ Adv Transfixing Heels Flow with Robin De Meyere (25th Aug) (85:26)
Inter Spin Flow with Robin De Meyere (11th Aug) (81:06)
Int+/ Adv Spin Pole Combos with Meg The Super Nova (28th July) (90:49)
Intermediate Flexi Shapes on Spin with Meg The Supernova (21st July) (88:44)
Int/ Adv Signature Tricks with Candace Cane (18th June) (90:05)
Intermediate Splits N Shit with Candace Cane (4th June) (84:46)
Int/ Adv Static Rotations with Devon Mitchell (25th May) (87:50)
Intermediate Static Dynamic with Devon Mitchell (18th May) (89:22)
Int/ Adv Handstand Tricks with Aerial Allie (28th April) (106:43)
Intermediate Spin Passes with Aerial Allie (28th April) (91:59)
Shape your Spinning Intermediate with Lisette Krol - (30th March) (87:46)
Power Pole Advanced with Lisette Krol (30th Mar) (88:59)
Inter/ Advanced Low Pole Tricks with Gin Hogenes (18th Feb) (99:54)
Inter+ Tricks with Gin Hogenes (10th Feb) (91:55)
Int/ Adv Flow Tech with Tia Jax (10th Dec) (94:14)
Intermediate Slow Flow with Tia Jax (4th Dec) (97:41)
Flow Choreo with Molly Pretzel (Inter Level) (18th Nov) (90:28)
Low Pole Tricks with Molly Pretzel (Int/ Adv Level) (12th Nov) (89:35)
Heels Flow Choreo with Wes Marx (Inter Level) (28th Oct) (87:57)
Heels Tricks and Technique with Wes Marx (Int/Adv Level) (21 Oct) (88:28)
Dynamic Choreo (Int/ Adv Level) with Ms Lizard (10th Sept) (90:09)
Hypnotic Legs (Int+ Level) with Ms Lizard (2nd Sept) (90:38)
Int/ Adv Heels Tricks with Paige (13th Aug) (90:33)
Inter+ Heels Flow witjh Paige (6th Aug) (79:20)
Int+ Russian Heels Flow with Poler Abi (30th July) (90:48)
Int/ Adv Hard Style Heels with Poler Abi (9th July) (91:33)
Mixed Level Heels Choreo with Anete Blaua (11th June) (97:05)
Int/ Adv Power Pole with Anete Blaua (10th June) (92:38)
Advanced Heels Choreo with Bianca B (21st May) (90:43)
Advanced Spin Pole Combos with Maria Gomez (20th May) (88:27)
Intermediate Floorwork with Bianca B (101:19)
Intermediate Tricks & Combos with Maria Gomez (7th May) (76:53)
Intermediate Heels Choreo with Mel Lee (30th April) (87:54)
Pole Illusions Int/ Adv with Mel Lee (16th April) (85:15)
Advanced Tricks and Shapes with Bexiita (29th April) (88:29)
Intermediate Shapes with Bexiita (8th April) (90:20)
Intermediate Pole Shapes and Tricks with Pole Mimi (25th March) (85:59)
Advanced Bendy Tricks with Pole Mimi (12th March) (98:57)
Advanced Strength Tricks with Heidi Hildersley (11th March) (86:05)
Intermediate Tricks and Combos with Heidi Hildersley (4th March) (84:22)
Intermediate Shapes with Polestructions aka Jenny (25th Feb) (96:54)
Advanced Kips and Tricks with Anna Frost (5th Feb) (90:26)
Laura Lou Heels Pole Tricks Advanced (18th Dec) (90:46)
Laura Lou Inter Heels Pole Flow (4th Dec) (96:03)
Daphne Lux XO Cardio Advanced (27th Nov) (93:43)
Daphne Lux Luxotic Intermediate Choreo (26th Nov) (86:05)
Advanced Pole Tumbles with Anne Eyer (20th Nov) (95:43)
Intermediate Pole Tricks with Anne Eyer (10th Dec) (96:50)
Int/ Adv Tricks/ Static Rotations with Magnus Labbe (23rd Oct) (93:34)
Magnus Labbe Mixed Level Low Flows (9th Oct) (104:42)
Slink with Carmine Black (15th Oct) (96:46)
Heel Lab Mixed Level with Carmine Black (1st Oct) (93:38)
Int/ Adv Dynamic Combos with Mischka (25th Sept) (88:37)
Beg/ Int Spin Pole Sequences with Mischka (17th Sept) (92:10)
Stripper Tricks Mixed Ability with Doris (3rd Sept) (85:53)
Stripper Choreo with Doris Arnold (3rd Sept) (86:33)
Beg/ Int Spin Pole Shapes with Carly Child (20th Aug) (91:23)
Int/ Adv Combo's with Aerial Allie (13th Aug) (98:32)
Beg/ Int Tricks and Shapes with Aerial Allie (94:01)
Int/ Adv Flexi Tricks on Spin with Carly Child (7th Aug) (90:02)
Int Static Pole with Gaby Borrayo (31st July) (95:36)
Int/ Adv Spin Pole Combos with Gaby Borrayo (23rd July) (95:18)
Int/ Adv Heels Choreo with Sasha Meow (10th July) (90:45)
Beg/ Int Heels Choreo with Sasha Meow (10th July) (88:18)
Int/ Adv Heels Choreo with Mimi Midnight (25th June) (88:30)
Beg/ Int Heels Choreo with Mimi Midnight (25th June) (86:52)
Beg/ Int Tricks with Jenny Polestructions (19th June) (95:22)
Int/ Adv Tricks with Jenny Polestructions (5th June) (93:28)
Advanced Tricks and Combos with Pole Nick (6th Oct)
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