About this Package
Do you want to level up? Yes? Then this is the perfect package for you!
This package will give you access to 3 live Strength & Conditioning class per week as well as access to all previous class videos.
Each class is approximately 40-50 minutes long including warm-up & cooldown
In these classes we work on a range of movements using the pole to help strenghten your body to help you to level-up on your pole journey. And to keep it fun we have themes ranging from HIIT style, heels, spinning pole, abs, band workouts and more!
These classes are suitable for all levels however we recommend that you are able to do basic spins & climbs on the pole and have basic knowledge of inversions.
This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time!
Strength & Conditioning Curriculum
- 28th Feb (Conditioning Quickie) (30:36)
- 26th Feb (HIIT me baby one more time) (35:45)
- 24th Feb (Legs and Lines) (39:46)
- 21st Feb (Baby got Back) (38:44)
- 20th Feb (Flexibility with Athena) - No Pole Required (56:39)
- 19th Feb (ARMageddon) (39:01)
- 17th Feb (Emoji Madness) (39:46)
- 14th Feb (Stong D's and Beautiful V's) (37:01)
- 12th Feb (Socks and Slides) (36:09)
- 10th Feb (Wheel of MISfortune) (42:08)
- 7th Feb (All Millar, No Filler) (33:17)
- 5th Feb (HIIT me baby one more time) (38:57)
- 3rd Feb (Let's have some FUN) (41:25)
- 31st Jan (Final Check In Session) (52:53)
- 30th Jan (Decorating with Dan) (41:59)
- 29th Jan (Push it) (41:51)
- 28th Jan (Choreo Cardio) (57:25)
- 27th Jan (Don’t Stop Moving) (42:58)
- 26th Jan (Flex and Recover with Athena) - No Pole Required (30:34)
- 25th Jan (Hey Siri) (42:14)
- 24th Jan (Death by Ankle Weights) (40:14)
- 23rd Jan (Conditioning but Make it Sexy!) (45:58)
- 22nd Jan (Split it) - No Pole Required (62:59)
- 21st Jan (The Pole Destroyers Quiz) (42:34)
- 20th Jan (Inversion Conversion) (42:40)
- 19th Jan (Flex and Recover with Athena) - No Pole Required (32:17)
- 18th Jan (Combination Station) (49:36)
- 17th Jan (Strong D’s & Beautiful V’s) (35:59)
- 16th Jan (Resistance Bands) (46:26)
- 15th Jan (ABSolutely Fabulous) - No Pole Required (36:01)
- 14th Jan (Baby got back!) (35:08)
- 13th Jan (Make me Vom)- Spin Pole (44:26)
- 12th Jan (Flex and Recover with Athena)- No Pole Required (33:55)
- 11th Jan (Madness with Mitchy) (37:19)
- 10th Jan (Flip a Coin) (40:15)
- 9th Jan (Chair Workout) (39:47)
- 8th Jan (Legs Bums and Tums POLE STYLE) (42:56)
- 7th Jan (Death by Roxy) (34:21)
- 6th Jan (Dynamic Conditioning) (41:04)
- 5th Jan (Flex and Recover with Athena)- No Pole Required (32:18)
- 4th Jan (The Dice of Doom) (34:57)
- 3rd Jan (It's the Climb) (34:18)
- 2nd Jan (Check In Session) (56:37)
- 1st Jan (Welcome Workout) (36:58)
- Challenge Intro (8:07)
- 27th Dec (Flip a Coin) (46:32)
- 23rd Dec (Xmas Workout) (39:36)
- 20th Dec (Hey Siri) (42:31)
- 18th Dec (Combination Station) (46:13)
- 16th Dec (WICKED) (39:39)
- 13th Dec (Ye Olde Conditioning Workout) (37:20)
- 11th Dec (Mama's Home) (39:36)
- 10th Dec (Flexi with Athena) (54:29)
- 9th Dec (One Arm Only) (39:39)
- 6th Dec (All Millar, No Fillar) (33:23)
- 4th Dec (ABSolutely Fabulous!) (40:33)
- 3rd Dec (Strong D's and Beautiful V's) (38:35)
- 29th Nov (Welcome to Thailand) (42:53)
- 28th Nov (Flexibility with Athena)- No Pole Required (51:48)
- 27th Nov (Don't stop movin!) (42:05)
- 25th Nov (It's just 4 songs hun) (44:27)
- 22nd Nov (Conditioning but make it SEXY!) (44:29)
- 20th Nov (Inversion Conversion) (45:32)
- 18th Nov (Madness with Mitchy) (42:51)
- 15th Nov (Death by Ankle Weights) (42:56)
- 13th Nov (Conditioning with Molly) (41:10)
- 11th Nov (Check In Session) (52:14)
- 8th Nov (Baby got back) (42:43)
- 6th Nov (Split it) - No Pole Required (60:24)
- 4th Nov (Make me Vom- Spinning Pole) (41:50)
- 1st Nov (Dynamic Conditioning) (41:49)
- 30th Oct (Halloween Workout) (41:23)
- 28th Oct (Flip a Coin) (39:19)
- 25th Oct (Death by Resistance Band) (44:53)
- 23rd Oct (The Pole Destroyers Quiz Halloween Edition) (40:49)
- 21st Oct (Mamma's Home) (36:39)
- 18th Oct (HIIT me baby one more time) (43:22)
- 17th Oct (Flexibility with Athena) - No Pole Required (54:42)
- 16th Oct (Pole Conditioning with Molly) (41:58)
- 14th Oct (Pole EMOM) (37:09)
- 11th Oct (Core Blimey) (41:47)
- 9th Oct (Kettle Bell Workout) - No Pole Required (44:20)
- 7th Oct (Legs, Bums and Tums POLE STYLE) (34:18)
- 4th Oct (All Millar, No Fillar) (35:48)
- 2nd Oct (The Dice of DOOM!) (42:39)
- 30th Sept (It's The Climb) (40:07)
- 27th Sept (Choreo Cardio) (56:30)
- 25th Sept (One Arm Only!) (44:41)
- 23rd Sept (Get Low) (33:27)
- 21st Sept (Really Wheely Cartwheel) (34:40)
- 18th Sept (Inversion Conversion) (36:28)
- 16th Sept (Dynamic Conditioning) (40:13)
- 13th Sept (Core Blimey) (45:13)
- 11th Sept (The Floor is Lava) (36:58)
- 10th Sept (Middle Splits with Athena) - No Pole Required (58:17)
- 9th Sept (HOLD IT!) (42:30)
- 6th Sept (Push It!) (39:43)
- 4th Sep (Ye Olde Conditioning Workout) (49:00)
- 2nd Sept (Pick your poison) (43:25)
- 30th Aug (Don't stop movin!) (40:01)
- 28th Aug (Obliques on Fleek!) (38:32)
- 26th Aug (Bank Holiday Blast) (42:09)
- 23rd Aug (Show me the D) (34:39)
- 21st Aug (Hey Siri) (43:45)
- 19th Aug (Flip a Coin) (36:19)
- 16th Aug (Death by Ankle Weights) (39:06)
- 14th Aug (Death By Roxy) (43:09)
- 12th Aug (Death by Resistance Bands) (53:40)
- 9th Aug (Make me Vom!) (32:15)
- 8th Aug (Back Bends with Athena) - No Pole Required (53:48)
- 7th Aug (Let's get Animal) (44:27)
- 5th Aug (The Pole Destroyers Quiz- Stella Edition) (44:21)
- 2nd Aug (Slow Mo Challenge) (41:25)
- 31st July (Descent) (42:49)
- 29th July (Mamas Home) (44:56)
- 26th July (Core Blimey!) (41:32)
- 24th July (Full Body HIIT) (38:36)
- 22nd July (Legs Bums and Tums POLE STYLE) (36:35)
- 19th July (All Millar, No Fillar) (39:32)
- 17th July (Pick your Poison) (43:58)
- 15th (Conditioning but make it sexy!) (42:45)
- 12th July (It's the climb) (40:58)
- 10th July (Full Body Pole Conditioning) (44:18)
- 9th July (Middle Splits with Athena) - No Pole Required (57:00)
- 8th July (Baby got Back) (79:30)
- 5th July (Wake up with Dan) (32:38)
- 3rd July (Dynamic Conditioning) (41:37)
- 1st July (Death by Ankle Weights) (45:48)
- 28th June (EMOM) (51:16)
- 27th June (Back Bends with Athena) - No Pole Required (53:59)
- 26th June (Combination Station) (49:17)
- 24th June (Flip a Coin) (41:28)
- 21st June (HIIT me baby one more time) (32:18)
- 19th June (Choreo Cardio) (60:19)
- 17th June (Death by Roxy) (49:26)
- 14th June (Don't stop moving!) (49:05)
- 12th June (The dice of DOOM) (40:02)
- 10th June (Obliques on Fleek) (46:27)
- 7th June (Split it)- No Pole Required (62:27)
- 5th June (Mamas Home!) (46:02)
- 3rd June (Check In Session) (54:17)
- 31st May (It's the climb) (38:38)
- 29th May (Inversion Conversion) (45:29)
- 27th May (Full Body Conditioning with Molly Pretzel) (36:37)
- 24th May (Reverse) (40:21)
- 22nd May (Flip a Coin) (42:29)
- 21st May (Middle Splits with Athena) - No Pole Required (57:15)
- 20th May (Pull it with Rachel) (44:55)
- 17th May (Make me Vom! Spinny poleee) (44:05)
- 15th May (Core Blimey with Beccie) (43:38)
- 13th May (Static Spins Conditioning) (38:18)
- 10th May (Don't stop moving) (40:53)
- 8th May (The Pole Destroyers Quiz) (43:52)
- 6th May (Bank Holiday Blast) (41:02)
- 3rd May (Pre Birthday Workout) (43:43)
- 1st May (Chair Workout) (37:51)
- 29th April (Death by Roxy) (48:38)
- 26th April (ABSolutely Fabulous) - No Pole Required (44:33)
- 25th April (Back Bends with Athena) - No Pole Required (58:00)
- 24th April (Flip a Coin) (41:42)
- 22nd April (Choreo Cardio) (59:48)
- 19th April (Pick your Poison) (44:09)
- 17th April (The floor is LAVA!) (42:46)
- 15th April (Conditioning but make it SEXY!) (40:01)
- 12th April (Welcome back workout) (40:34)
- 10th April (Full Body with Molly Pretzel) (40:15)
- 8th April (Pole Camp Workout) (37:39)
- 5th April (Don't stop moving!) (36:31)
- 3rd April (Resistance Bands) (49:56)
Pick a course...
Q- How many classes do we get as part of this package?
A- Each package varies on how many LIVE classes it offers. The best thing to do in order to see how many live classes are on offer is to look at the curriculum and click on “Coming up this month” and it will show you what we have on for the next month of classes for that particular package.
Q- Do you offer paypal?
A- Yes I do. However, because teachable doesnt support the paypal subscriptions function on here I have to do it off platform and you then recieve a code to register for your course. But if you have a card it is MUCH easier to do it via card. If you are interested in paypal please email me on [email protected]
Q- Once my subscription ends will I keep access to the classes I took part in?
A- Unfortunately no. Once your subscription ends you will lose access to all content until you re-subscribe.
Q- How often will I be charged?
A- This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time.
Q- If I start mid month will I be paying for a full month but only recieve half the month of classes?
A- No, the beauty of this website is you can start at any point and you pay for a month from the date you sign up. So if you sign up on the 15th your month will be 15th-15th.
Q- What is the cancellation policy?
A- There is no commitment period so this is a rolling monthly subscription you can cancel at any time.
Q- If I cancel will I still see all of the content I had access to that month?
A- Unfortunately you will only have access to content while subscribed to a course.
Q- Are all the live classes recorded?
A- All classes are recorded so this platform is perfect for people who aren’t in the UK time zone.
Q- Will there be classes to suit other time zones?
A- If you take a look at the “Coming up this month” tab it will list all the times and I try my best to try and change up the class times so that people from all time zones can come and join in live from time to time. And for those who can’t make it the classes are uploaded within 2 hours after the class.