About this Package
Do you want to learn some of my favourite pole tricks & transitions from the comfort of your own home / studio? Then this is the perfect package for you!
The package will give you access to regular live pole classes every month as well as access to a library of tutorials and previous live class recordings! Check out the schedule to see the upcoming classes.
These tutorials range from short trick & combo tutorials, to full length trick / flexibility / combinations / spinning pole content and more.
This package will have content for all levels whether you are new to the pole scene or a pro.
This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time!
Have a trick request? Be sure to drop me an email and let's make it happen!
Pole Class/ Tutorials Curriculum
- Advanced Tricks (7th March) (65:25)
- Wicked Splits (3rd March) (67:31)
- Exotic Show Inter (Heels Choreo&Tricks) with Sarah Gallo (2nd March) (87:39)
- Honey Flow (Adv Heels) with Sarah Gallo (1st March) (88:52)
- Mixed Level Socks and Slides (28th Feb) (63:29)
- Advanced Tricks (17th Feb) (65:34)
- Intermediate Tricks (16th Feb) (65:52)
- Inter+ Heels Choreo (16th Feb) (64:18)
- Inter+ Tricks (14th Feb) (66:05)
- Int+/ Adv Combos (12th Feb) (68:46)
- Flexi with Athena (10th Feb) (51:49)
- Adv Static Rotations with Aggie (2nd Feb) (93:14)
- Int/int+ Basework with Aggie (1st Feb) (95:09)
- Intermediate Tricks (27th Jan) (59:34)
- Int+ Brass Monkey Tricks & Shapes (25th Jan) (64:36)
- Inter/ Inter+ Flow Choreo (21th Jan) (67:25)
- Inter Exotic Elements with Bianca B (19th Jan) (89:10)
- Advanced Tricks (17th Jan) (65:37)
- Splits Express (15th Jan) (36:01)
- Adv Snake Choreo with Bianca B (12th Jan) (98:51)
- Inter Heels Flow Choreo (11th Jan) (69:49)
- Inter+ Tricks (6th Jan) (62:30)
- Advanced Tricks (27th Dec) (70:19)
- Mixed Level Socks & Slidey Flows (23rd Dec) (73:19)
- Inter Christmas Heels Choreo (21st Dec) (72:06)
- Int+/ Adv Bicep Grip Tricks (21st Dec) (61:27)
- Flexi with Athena (20th Dec) (53:09)
- Intermediate+ Tricks (16th Dec) (69:54)
- Floor Choreo with Laura Lou (14th Dec) (90:25)
- Int+/ Adv Heels Tricks with Laura Lou (14th Dec) (92:03)
- Intermediate Tricks (11th Dec) (67:33)
- Advanced Tricks (25th Nov) (70:54)
- Advanced Handspring Tricks with Charlotte Polepower (24th Nov) (180:58)
- Intermediate Quick Tricks & Combo's with Charlotte Polepower (23rd Nov) (186:56)
- Int+/ Adv Heels Choreo (17th Nov) (67:36)
- Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Elbow Grip Focus (17th Nov) (67:02)
- Commercial Heels with Molly Pretzel (16th Nov) (89:32)
- Intermediate Tricks (11th Nov) (64:58)
- Flexibility with Athena (5th Nov) (56:21)
- Intermediate+ Tricks (2nd Nov) (61:21)
- Intermediate Spinny Leggy Shapes (2nd Nov) (60:29)
- Halloween Heels Flow Choreo (30th Oct) (68:39)
- Intermediate Tricks (28th Oct) (62:17)
- Adv Static Rotations with Hannah Kaynes (27th Oct) (93:01)
- Int Tricks with Hannah Kaynes (27th Oct) (88:25)
- Advanced Tricks (25th Oct) (64:12)
- Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Cup Grip Focus (19th Oct) (57:31)
- Legtastic Floor Flow with Andrea (14th Oct) (67:08)
- Flexibility with Athena (8th Oct) (52:04)
- Interermediate + Pole Tricks (2nd Oct) (62:17)
- Advanced Tricks (30th Sept) (63:34)
- Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Twisted Grip Focus (28th Sept) (66:01)
- Back Bends with Athena (26th Sept) (56:17)
- Int/ Adv Favourite Combos with Hayley Miller (22nd Sept) (85:08)
- Intermediate+ Tricks (18th Sept) (62:13)
- Advanced Static Dynamic with Bec T (14th Sept) (92:09)
- Intermediate Tricks (11th Sept) (64:56)
- Heels Flows and Sequences Inter/ Inter + (9th Sept) (71:13)
- Low Flow Choreo (No Heels- Mixed Level) (8th Sept) (73:09)
- Fake Splits for Pole with Callum Stevens (31st Aug) (92:10)
- Intermediate Tricks (28th Aug) (61:26)
- Fierce Basework Mixed Level with Callum Stevens (24th Aug) (96:33)
- Advanced Tricks (19th Aug) (60:40)
- Heels Choreo Advanced (18th Aug) (65:52)
- Handspring Ayesha Clinic- True Grip Focus (18th Aug) (59:06)
- Splitty Shapes on Spin Pole (Open Level) (14th Aug) (64:53)
- Intermediate + Tricks (5th Aug) (67:58)
- Intermediate Tricks (31st July) (64:11)
- Spin Pole with Bec T (Inter Level) (20th July) (94:41)
- Back Bends with Athena (18th July) (60:26)
- Splits Express (17th July) (33:29)
- Advanced Pole Tricks (15th July) (70:09)
- Dynamic Acro Heels (Advanced Level) with Seawindy (7th July) (93:13)
- Swirly Acro (Inter Level) with Seawindy (6th July) (85:57)
- Advanced Power Pole Tricks (4th July) (60:29)
- Intermediate+ Tricks (1st July) (67:36)
- Advanced Cartwheel Tricks (29th June) (59:57)
- Intermediate Heels Flow Choreo (29th June) (65:33)
- Advanced Pole Tricks (24th June) (62:31)
- Mixed Level Heels Tricks with Oscar Del Pozo (22nd June) (83:25)
- Handspring / Ayesha Tricks (Adv Level) (17th June) (66:19)
- Int/ Adv Flowography with Oscar Del Pozo (15th June) (89:01)
- Intermediate Pole Tricks (12th June) (60:47)
- Middle Splits with Athena (11th June) (57:49)
- Intermediate + Pole Tricks (7th June) (64:46)
- Intermediate Heels Choreo with Malwina (1st June) (93:19)
- Back Bends with Athena (30th May) (54:05)
- Intermediate Flow Chorey with Jade Bensilum (28th May) (89:02)
- Int/ Adv Exotic Tricks with Malwina (19th May) (89:50)
- Advanced Tricks (13th May) (68:30)
- Intermediate Pretty Shapes on Spin (11th May) (63:59)
- Hard Style Heels Choreo Advanced (11th May) (73:45)
- Intermediate + Tricks (8th May) (63:14)
- Intermediate Tricks (1st May) (63:21)
- Floorwork Sequences with California Andrea (27th April) (98:07)
- Heels Tricks & Transitions Int/ Adv (24th April) (62:06)
- Heels Choreo with Ally (20th April) (86:15)
- Middle Splits with Athena (16th April) (56:49)
- Int + Tricks (15th April) (65:07)
- Low Flow Sequences Inter/ Inter + (14th April) (70:45)
- Heels Choreo Int/ Adv (14th April) (75:33)
- Advanced Tricks (12th April) (69:37)
- Intermediate Tricks (3rd April) (65:36)
- Front Splits (27th March) (58:16)
- Advanced Tricks (25th March) (67:14)
- Intermediate Spin Pole Tricks & Shapes (23rd March) (68:34)
- Heels Flow Choreo (23rd March) (71:45)
- Back Bends with Athena (21st March) (61:17)
- Int+ Tricks (20th March) (68:19)
- Int/ Adv Tricks with Annie Norris (16th March) (88:54)
- Intermediate Tricks (11th March) (64:32)
- Annie Norris Slink Choreo (9th March) (83:47)
- Spinning Pole Intermediate + Tricks (26th Feb) (68:30)
- Leggy Sassy Flowy Heels with Gracey (25th Feb) (94:50)
- Int+ Tricks (21st Feb) (65:41)
- Advanced Tricks (16th Feb) (67:40)
- Middle Splits with Athena (13th Feb) (55:54)
- Flexi Spinny Shapes with Gracey (11th Feb) (94:44)
- Intermediate Tricks (7th Feb) (64:38)
- Softcore Heels with Carly Carnage (Inter Level) (4th Feb) (86:14)
- Hard Style Heels Choreo (Int+/ Adv Level) (3rd Feb) (76:49)
- Low Pole Shapes (Int+ Level) (29th Jan) (61:48)
- Lifts and Levitations (Advanced Level) (27th Jan) (62:28)
- Intermediate Tricks (24th Jan) (67:17)
- Heels Choreo Part 3 (20th Jan) (72:15)
- Advanced Tricks (19th Jan) (68:00)
- Choreo Carnage with Carly Carnage (14th Jan) (84:39)
- Heels Choreo Part 2 (13th Jan) (71:35)
- Int+ Pole Tricks (8th Jan) (63:45)
- Heels Choreo Part 1 (6th Jan) (69:31)
- Day 1 (6:26)
- Day 2 (6:50)
- Day 3 (6:22)
- Day 4 (8:56)
- Day 5 (10:49)
- Day 6 (4:40)
- Day 7 (7:23)
- Day 8 (4:20)
- Day 9 (6:43)
- Day 10 (5:21)
- Day 11 (5:32)
- Day 12 (7:06)
- Day 13 (5:30)
- Day 14 (7:07)
- Day 15 (6:44)
- Day 16 (5:12)
- Day 17 (7:52)
- Day 18 (6:47)
- Day 19 (8:13)
- Day 20 (6:38)
- Day 21 (7:43)
- Day 22 (6:57)
- Day 23 (4:54)
- Day 24 (8:28)
- Day 25 (3:57)
- Day 26 (6:17)
- Day 27 (4:19)
- Day 28 (8:29)
- Day 29 (6:49)
- Day 30 (6:54)
- Trapped Boomerang Combo Spin (6:47)
- Gemini Bridge (Trick) (5:41)
- Martini Combo (12:54)
- Badazz Seat (Trick) (7:05)
- Scissor Sit Variation (Trick) (9:56)
- Jagged Edge to Handstand (Mini Combo) (9:31)
- Yoghini Variation (Trick) (8:57)
- Stargazer Variation (Trick) (6:23)
- Wrist Seat to Thigh Hold (Combo) (8:02)
- Hip Hold Variation (Trick) (6:57)
- Floor Split (Trick) (8:22)
- Allegra Variation (Trick) (7:31)
- Figure Head Variation (Trick) (7:58)
- Genie Variation (Trick) (6:36)
- Twisted Flatline (Trick) (7:31)
- Crucifix to Butterfly (Trick) (6:59)
- Superman for Beginners (Trick) (6:49)
- Figure Head Variation (Trick) (7:10)
- Cross Knee Layback (Trick) (8:18)
- Handstand Variation (Trick) (6:58)
- Spinning Climb (Trick) (11:12)
- Flow Sequence (Combo) (12:41)
- Sailor to Butterfly (Trick) (6:45)
- Supergirl Floor Variation (Trick) (6:03)
- Bracket Grip Holds (Trick) (10:06)
- Ankle Climb Pose (Trick) (9:51)
- Bicep Grip to Brass Monkey (Trick) (6:27)
- Pole Handstand (Trick) (8:38)
- Butterfly/ Figure Head Combo (12:34)
- Thigh Hold Variation (Trick) (8:14)
- Jagged Edge Tumble Combo (Mini Combo) (11:26)
- Superman Hacks + Superman Variation (Trick) (13:44)
- Spin and Snap (Trick) (9:00)
- Twisted Cupid (Trick) (8:31)
- Invert Drop (Trick) (9:55)
- Baby Full Moon (Trick) (7:27)
- Jade Split Variation (Trick) (11:36)
- Bicep Grip Full Moon (Trick) (9:35)
- Crane (Trick) (8:08)
- Shy Bendy (Trick) (7:25)
- Handglider Flip (Trick) (7:42)
- Spin Pole Combo (Combo) (9:43)
- Shoulder Mount to Brass Monkey (Trick) (9:59)
- Butt Grip Straddle (Trick) (8:46)
- Russian Butterfly (Trick) (8:22)
- Forearm Jade Variation (Trick) (7:42)
- Floor Sweeper Spin (Trick) (10:19)
- Flow Sequence (Combo) (13:25)
- Reverse Elbow Climb (Trick) (7:44)
- Bicep grip invert to Shouldermount (Combo) (7:29)
- Jump to Superman (Trick) (7:13)
- Low Flow Combo (Combo) (11:52)
- Bicep Grip to Brass Monkey Variation (Trick) (8:51)
- Forearm Handspring Mini Combo (6:27)
- Handstand Combo (15:37)
- Iguana Combo (8:03)
- Jagged Edge Tumble Combo (15:06)
- Cartwheel to Butterfly/ Ayesha (Trick) (6:53)
- Standing Wrist Walkover (Trick) (9:20)
- Reverse Elbow Shape (Trick) (8:46)
- Cupid to Elbow Ayesha (Trick) (9:41)
- Flag Lift (Trick) (11:48)
- Bicep Grip Split (Trick) (9:43)
- Reverse Entry to Butterfly/ Ayesha (Trick) (10:54)
- Forearm Trapped Ankle (Trick) (10:35)
- Wrist Seat Flip Out (Trick) (10:31)
- Baseball Grip Ayesha (Trick) (7:53)
- Twizzle into Pole Seat (Trick) (9:21)
- Table Top to Handstand (Trick) (9:47)
- Cup Grip Handstand (Trick) (10:17)
- Backhook Twizzle Spin (Trick) (13:25)
- Dakini Variation (Trick) (10:45)
- Bracket Grip Drop (Trick) (11:56)
- Flow Sequence (Combo) (13:55)
- Bicep Grip Spin (Trick) (9:49)
- Flatline to Handstand (Combo) (11:18)
- Twisted Grip Handstand Walkover (Trick) (11:52)
- Handstand Combo (Combo) (9:31)
- Butterfly to D (7:48)
- How to nail the D (9:30)
- True Grip Ayesha (10:15)
- True Grip Handspring (12:25)
- Resistance Band Assisted Handspring (8:40)
- Twisted Grip Ayesha (11:06)
- Twisted Grip Handspring (10:47)
- Twisted Grip Pike Ups (12:56)
- Cup Grip Ayesha (7:16)
- Cup Grip Handspring (13:53)
- Cup Grip from a Jasmin (6:44)
- Warm Up for Back Bends with Lea Roth (All Levels) (32:35)
- Bendy Forearm Stand's with Lea Roth (Beginner) (9:58)
- Bendy Hood Ornament with Lea Roth (Beginner/ Intermediate) (11:53)
- Extended Allegra with Lea Roth (Intermediate) (12:09)
- Janeiro with Lea Roth with Lea Roth (Intermediate) (9:33)
- Capezio Split with Lea Roth (Advanced) (12:33)
- Inverted Eagle/ Contortion Scorpio with Lea Roth (Advanced) (10:26)
- Heel Pirhouette with Jakub Kolasa (Beginner) (8:54)
- Knee Spins with Jakub Kolasa (Beginner) (10:57)
- Flatline drop to Split with Jakub Kolasa (Intermediate) (7:34)
- Headstand Fishflop with Jakub Kolasa (Intermediate) (8:12)
- Handspring slide and Kip with Jakub Kolasa (Advanced) (9:41)
- Split Drop with Jakub Kolasa (Advanced) (9:38)
- Figure Head Variation with Kiley Letch (Beginner) (10:12)
- Jewelery Box Ballerina with Kiley Letch (Beginner) *NEW* (9:47)
- Handstand Shape with Kiley Letch (Intermediate) (6:06)
- Tulip Varaition with Kiley Letch (Intermediate) *NEW* (7:56)
- Elbow Shouldermount Shape with Kiley Letch (Advanced) *NEW* (6:12)
- Standing Wrist Split with Kiley Letch (Advanced) (5:40)
Pick a course...
Q- How many classes do we get as part of this package?
A- Each package varies on how many LIVE classes it offers. The best thing to do in order to see how many live classes are on offer is to look at the curriculum and click on “Coming up this month” and it will show you what we have on for the next month of classes for that particular package.
Q- Do you offer paypal?
A- Yes I do. However, because teachable doesnt support the paypal subscriptions function on here I have to do it off platform and you then recieve a code to register for your course. But if you have a card it is MUCH easier to do it via card. If you are interested in paypal please email me on [email protected]
Q- Once my subscription ends will I keep access to the classes I took part in?
A- Unfortunately no. Once your subscriptuon ends you will lose access to all content until you re-subscribe.
Q- How often will I be charged?
A- This subscription is billed monthly and can be cancelled at any point. There is no commitment period and you can cancel at any time!
Q- What is the cancellation policy?
A- There is no commitment period so this is a rolling monthly subscription you can cancel at any time.
Q- If I cancel will I still see all of the content I had access to that month?
A- Unfortunately you will only have access to content while subscribed to a course.
Q- Are all the live classes recorded?
A- All classes are recorded so this platform is perfect for people who aren’t in the UK time zone.
Q- Will there be classes to suit other time zones?
A- If you take a look at the “Coming up this month” tab it will list all the times and I try my best to try and change up the class times so that people from all time zones can come and join in live from time to time. And for those who can’t make it the classes are uploaded within 2 hours after the class.