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Live Class Catch Up Videos
Flexi with Athena (11th March) (53:53)
Advanced Tricks (7th March) (65:25)
Wicked Splits (3rd March) (67:31)
Exotic Show Inter (Heels Choreo&Tricks) with Sarah Gallo (2nd March) (87:39)
Honey Flow (Adv Heels) with Sarah Gallo (1st March) (88:52)
Mixed Level Socks and Slides (28th Feb) (63:29)
Advanced Tricks (17th Feb) (65:34)
Intermediate Tricks (16th Feb) (65:52)
Inter+ Heels Choreo (16th Feb) (64:18)
Inter+ Tricks (14th Feb) (66:05)
Int+/ Adv Combos (12th Feb) (68:46)
Flexi with Athena (10th Feb) (51:49)
Adv Static Rotations with Aggie (2nd Feb) (93:14)
Int/int+ Basework with Aggie (1st Feb) (95:09)
Intermediate Tricks (27th Jan) (59:34)
Int+ Brass Monkey Tricks & Shapes (25th Jan) (64:36)
Inter/ Inter+ Flow Choreo (21th Jan) (67:25)
Inter Exotic Elements with Bianca B (19th Jan) (89:10)
Advanced Tricks (17th Jan) (65:37)
Splits Express (15th Jan) (36:01)
Adv Snake Choreo with Bianca B (12th Jan) (98:51)
Inter Heels Flow Choreo (11th Jan) (69:49)
Inter+ Tricks (6th Jan) (62:30)
Advanced Tricks (27th Dec) (70:19)
Mixed Level Socks & Slidey Flows (23rd Dec) (73:19)
Inter Christmas Heels Choreo (21st Dec) (72:06)
Int+/ Adv Bicep Grip Tricks (21st Dec) (61:27)
Flexi with Athena (20th Dec) (53:09)
Intermediate+ Tricks (16th Dec) (69:54)
Floor Choreo with Laura Lou (14th Dec) (90:25)
Int+/ Adv Heels Tricks with Laura Lou (14th Dec) (92:03)
Intermediate Tricks (11th Dec) (67:33)
Advanced Tricks (25th Nov) (70:54)
Advanced Handspring Tricks with Charlotte Polepower (24th Nov) (180:58)
Intermediate Quick Tricks & Combo's with Charlotte Polepower (23rd Nov) (186:56)
Int+/ Adv Heels Choreo (17th Nov) (67:36)
Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Elbow Grip Focus (17th Nov) (67:02)
Commercial Heels with Molly Pretzel (16th Nov) (89:32)
Intermediate Tricks (11th Nov) (64:58)
Flexibility with Athena (5th Nov) (56:21)
Intermediate+ Tricks (2nd Nov) (61:21)
Intermediate Spinny Leggy Shapes (2nd Nov) (60:29)
Halloween Heels Flow Choreo (30th Oct) (68:39)
Intermediate Tricks (28th Oct) (62:17)
Adv Static Rotations with Hannah Kaynes (27th Oct) (93:01)
Int Tricks with Hannah Kaynes (27th Oct) (88:25)
Advanced Tricks (25th Oct) (64:12)
Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Cup Grip Focus (19th Oct) (57:31)
Legtastic Floor Flow with Andrea (14th Oct) (67:08)
Flexibility with Athena (8th Oct) (52:04)
Interermediate + Pole Tricks (2nd Oct) (62:17)
Advanced Tricks (30th Sept) (63:34)
Handspring Ayesha Clinic- Twisted Grip Focus (28th Sept) (66:01)
Back Bends with Athena (26th Sept) (56:17)
Int/ Adv Favourite Combos with Hayley Miller (22nd Sept) (85:08)
Intermediate+ Tricks (18th Sept) (62:13)
Advanced Static Dynamic with Bec T (14th Sept) (92:09)
Intermediate Tricks (11th Sept) (64:56)
Heels Flows and Sequences Inter/ Inter + (9th Sept) (71:13)
Low Flow Choreo (No Heels- Mixed Level) (8th Sept) (73:09)
Fake Splits for Pole with Callum Stevens (31st Aug) (92:10)
Intermediate Tricks (28th Aug) (61:26)
Fierce Basework Mixed Level with Callum Stevens (24th Aug) (96:33)
Advanced Tricks (19th Aug) (60:40)
Heels Choreo Advanced (18th Aug) (65:52)
Handspring Ayesha Clinic- True Grip Focus (18th Aug) (59:06)
Splitty Shapes on Spin Pole (Open Level) (14th Aug) (64:53)
Intermediate + Tricks (5th Aug) (67:58)
Intermediate Tricks (31st July) (64:11)
Spin Pole with Bec T (Inter Level) (20th July) (94:41)
Back Bends with Athena (18th July) (60:26)
Splits Express (17th July) (33:29)
Advanced Pole Tricks (15th July) (70:09)
Dynamic Acro Heels (Advanced Level) with Seawindy (7th July) (93:13)
Swirly Acro (Inter Level) with Seawindy (6th July) (85:57)
Advanced Power Pole Tricks (4th July) (60:29)
Intermediate+ Tricks (1st July) (67:36)
Advanced Cartwheel Tricks (29th June) (59:57)
Intermediate Heels Flow Choreo (29th June) (65:33)
Advanced Pole Tricks (24th June) (62:31)
Mixed Level Heels Tricks with Oscar Del Pozo (22nd June) (83:25)
Handspring / Ayesha Tricks (Adv Level) (17th June) (66:19)
Int/ Adv Flowography with Oscar Del Pozo (15th June) (89:01)
Intermediate Pole Tricks (12th June) (60:47)
Middle Splits with Athena (11th June) (57:49)
Intermediate + Pole Tricks (7th June) (64:46)
Intermediate Heels Choreo with Malwina (1st June) (93:19)
Back Bends with Athena (30th May) (54:05)
Intermediate Flow Chorey with Jade Bensilum (28th May) (89:02)
Int/ Adv Exotic Tricks with Malwina (19th May) (89:50)
Advanced Tricks (13th May) (68:30)
Intermediate Pretty Shapes on Spin (11th May) (63:59)
Hard Style Heels Choreo Advanced (11th May) (73:45)
Intermediate + Tricks (8th May) (63:14)
Intermediate Tricks (1st May) (63:21)
Floorwork Sequences with California Andrea (27th April) (98:07)
Heels Tricks & Transitions Int/ Adv (24th April) (62:06)
Heels Choreo with Ally (20th April) (86:15)
Middle Splits with Athena (16th April) (56:49)
Int + Tricks (15th April) (65:07)
Low Flow Sequences Inter/ Inter + (14th April) (70:45)
Heels Choreo Int/ Adv (14th April) (75:33)
Advanced Tricks (12th April) (69:37)
Intermediate Tricks (3rd April) (65:36)
Front Splits (27th March) (58:16)
Advanced Tricks (25th March) (67:14)
Intermediate Spin Pole Tricks & Shapes (23rd March) (68:34)
Heels Flow Choreo (23rd March) (71:45)
Back Bends with Athena (21st March) (61:17)
Int+ Tricks (20th March) (68:19)
Int/ Adv Tricks with Annie Norris (16th March) (88:54)
Intermediate Tricks (11th March) (64:32)
Annie Norris Slink Choreo (9th March) (83:47)
Spinning Pole Intermediate + Tricks (26th Feb) (68:30)
Leggy Sassy Flowy Heels with Gracey (25th Feb) (94:50)
Int+ Tricks (21st Feb) (65:41)
Advanced Tricks (16th Feb) (67:40)
Middle Splits with Athena (13th Feb) (55:54)
Flexi Spinny Shapes with Gracey (11th Feb) (94:44)
Intermediate Tricks (7th Feb) (64:38)
Softcore Heels with Carly Carnage (Inter Level) (4th Feb) (86:14)
Hard Style Heels Choreo (Int+/ Adv Level) (3rd Feb) (76:49)
Low Pole Shapes (Int+ Level) (29th Jan) (61:48)
Lifts and Levitations (Advanced Level) (27th Jan) (62:28)
Intermediate Tricks (24th Jan) (67:17)
Heels Choreo Part 3 (20th Jan) (72:15)
Advanced Tricks (19th Jan) (68:00)
Choreo Carnage with Carly Carnage (14th Jan) (84:39)
Heels Choreo Part 2 (13th Jan) (71:35)
Int+ Pole Tricks (8th Jan) (63:45)
Heels Choreo Part 1 (6th Jan) (69:31)
Down Low with Dan Challenge
Day 1 (6:26)
Day 2 (6:50)
Day 3 (6:22)
Day 4 (8:56)
Day 5 (10:49)
Day 6 (4:40)
Day 7 (7:23)
Day 8 (4:20)
Day 9 (6:43)
Day 10 (5:21)
Day 11 (5:32)
Day 12 (7:06)
Day 13 (5:30)
Day 14 (7:07)
Day 15 (6:44)
Day 16 (5:12)
Day 17 (7:52)
Day 18 (6:47)
Day 19 (8:13)
Day 20 (6:38)
Day 21 (7:43)
Day 22 (6:57)
Day 23 (4:54)
Day 24 (8:28)
Day 25 (3:57)
Day 26 (6:17)
Day 27 (4:19)
Day 28 (8:29)
Day 29 (6:49)
Day 30 (6:54)
Twerk Course- February
The History of Twerk (3rd Feb) (64:23)
Twerk (10th Feb) (62:28)
Twerk (17th Feb) (64:36)
Twerk (24th Feb) (69:04)
Warm Up's & Cool Down's
Warm Up 1 (13:13)
Warm Up 2 (12:03)
Cool Down (10:12)
Beginner Tutorials
Trapped Boomerang Combo Spin (6:47)
Gemini Bridge (Trick) (5:41)
Martini Combo (12:54)
Badazz Seat (Trick) (7:05)
Scissor Sit Variation (Trick) (9:56)
Jagged Edge to Handstand (Mini Combo) (9:31)
Yoghini Variation (Trick) (8:57)
Stargazer Variation (Trick) (6:23)
Wrist Seat to Thigh Hold (Combo) (8:02)
Hip Hold Variation (Trick) (6:57)
Floor Split (Trick) (8:22)
Allegra Variation (Trick) (7:31)
Figure Head Variation (Trick) (7:58)
Genie Variation (Trick) (6:36)
Twisted Flatline (Trick) (7:31)
Crucifix to Butterfly (Trick) (6:59)
Superman for Beginners (Trick) (6:49)
Figure Head Variation (Trick) (7:10)
Cross Knee Layback (Trick) (8:18)
Handstand Variation (Trick) (6:58)
Spinning Climb (Trick) (11:12)
Flow Sequence (Combo) (12:41)
Sailor to Butterfly (Trick) (6:45)
Supergirl Floor Variation (Trick) (6:03)
Bracket Grip Holds (Trick) (10:06)
Ankle Climb Pose (Trick) (9:51)
Intermediate Tutorials
Bicep Grip to Brass Monkey (Trick) (6:27)
Pole Handstand (Trick) (8:38)
Butterfly/ Figure Head Combo (12:34)
Thigh Hold Variation (Trick) (8:14)
Jagged Edge Tumble Combo (Mini Combo) (11:26)
Superman Hacks + Superman Variation (Trick) (13:44)
Spin and Snap (Trick) (9:00)
Twisted Cupid (Trick) (8:31)
Invert Drop (Trick) (9:55)
Baby Full Moon (Trick) (7:27)
Jade Split Variation (Trick) (11:36)
Bicep Grip Full Moon (Trick) (9:35)
Crane (Trick) (8:08)
Shy Bendy (Trick) (7:25)
Handglider Flip (Trick) (7:42)
Spin Pole Combo (Combo) (9:43)
Shoulder Mount to Brass Monkey (Trick) (9:59)
Butt Grip Straddle (Trick) (8:46)
Russian Butterfly (Trick) (8:22)
Forearm Jade Variation (Trick) (7:42)
Floor Sweeper Spin (Trick) (10:19)
Flow Sequence (Combo) (13:25)
Reverse Elbow Climb (Trick) (7:44)
Bicep grip invert to Shouldermount (Combo) (7:29)
Jump to Superman (Trick) (7:13)
Low Flow Combo (Combo) (11:52)
Advanced Tutorials
Bicep Grip to Brass Monkey Variation (Trick) (8:51)
Forearm Handspring Mini Combo (6:27)
Handstand Combo (15:37)
Iguana Combo (8:03)
Jagged Edge Tumble Combo (15:06)
Cartwheel to Butterfly/ Ayesha (Trick) (6:53)
Standing Wrist Walkover (Trick) (9:20)
Reverse Elbow Shape (Trick) (8:46)
Cupid to Elbow Ayesha (Trick) (9:41)
Flag Lift (Trick) (11:48)
Bicep Grip Split (Trick) (9:43)
Reverse Entry to Butterfly/ Ayesha (Trick) (10:54)
Forearm Trapped Ankle (Trick) (10:35)
Wrist Seat Flip Out (Trick) (10:31)
Baseball Grip Ayesha (Trick) (7:53)
Twizzle into Pole Seat (Trick) (9:21)
Table Top to Handstand (Trick) (9:47)
Cup Grip Handstand (Trick) (10:17)
Backhook Twizzle Spin (Trick) (13:25)
Dakini Variation (Trick) (10:45)
Bracket Grip Drop (Trick) (11:56)
Flow Sequence (Combo) (13:55)
Bicep Grip Spin (Trick) (9:49)
Flatline to Handstand (Combo) (11:18)
Twisted Grip Handstand Walkover (Trick) (11:52)
Handstand Combo (Combo) (9:31)
Splits Express (30 min splits) (32:06)
Deep Shoulder Strech (24:04)
Handspring/ Ayesha Series
Butterfly to D (7:48)
How to nail the D (9:30)
True Grip Ayesha (10:15)
True Grip Handspring (12:25)
Resistance Band Assisted Handspring (8:40)
Twisted Grip Ayesha (11:06)
Twisted Grip Handspring (10:47)
Twisted Grip Pike Ups (12:56)
Cup Grip Ayesha (7:16)
Cup Grip Handspring (13:53)
Cup Grip from a Jasmin (6:44)
Body Waves (13:05)
Headstand/ Forearmstands (13:52)
Cradle to Butterfly (9:35)
Shouldermount Bounces (8:32)
Open vs Closed Inside Leg Hangs (5:29)
Iguana Tips, Hints & Conditioning (13:57)
Tail drop/ Crotch Slide (8:23)
Give it some Flare (9:51)
Intro to Spin Pole (15:13)
Guest Tutorials
Warm Up for Back Bends with Lea Roth (All Levels) (32:35)
Bendy Forearm Stand's with Lea Roth (Beginner) (9:58)
Bendy Hood Ornament with Lea Roth (Beginner/ Intermediate) (11:53)
Extended Allegra with Lea Roth (Intermediate) (12:09)
Janeiro with Lea Roth with Lea Roth (Intermediate) (9:33)
Capezio Split with Lea Roth (Advanced) (12:33)
Inverted Eagle/ Contortion Scorpio with Lea Roth (Advanced) (10:26)
Heel Pirhouette with Jakub Kolasa (Beginner) (8:54)
Knee Spins with Jakub Kolasa (Beginner) (10:57)
Flatline drop to Split with Jakub Kolasa (Intermediate) (7:34)
Headstand Fishflop with Jakub Kolasa (Intermediate) (8:12)
Handspring slide and Kip with Jakub Kolasa (Advanced) (9:41)
Split Drop with Jakub Kolasa (Advanced) (9:38)
Figure Head Variation with Kiley Letch (Beginner) (10:12)
Jewelery Box Ballerina with Kiley Letch (Beginner) *NEW* (9:47)
Handstand Shape with Kiley Letch (Intermediate) (6:06)
Tulip Varaition with Kiley Letch (Intermediate) *NEW* (7:56)
Elbow Shouldermount Shape with Kiley Letch (Advanced) *NEW* (6:12)
Standing Wrist Split with Kiley Letch (Advanced) (5:40)
Advanced Tricks (27th Dec)
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